theory from Frank Singer.com9th chords | print this page | close this window |

Ninth chords are created by adding the first scale-extension to an existing 7th chord, and modifying it to match the chord's function and style. Intervallically this note is a compound-second, and is the fifth odd-numbered note encountered when skipping through a scale in thirds (the first beyond the octave).

ninth chords [ Cmaj7(9) as example ]
scale degree degree name solfege syllable note in C major
octave---- 9 ninth re D
7 seventh ti B
5 fifth sol G
3 third mi E
1 root do C

Three variations of ninths are available, and most seventh-chords support one or more of these variations, depending on its function. The ninth that occurs naturally in the major scale (equivalent to the second scale-degree) is the natural-nine. The equivalent note will be a whole-step above the first scale-degree, which is the root of the scale and the chord.

The variations are a half-step above (#) or below (b) the natural-nine. For the example above, the sharp-nine would be D sharp (D#) and the flat-nine would be D flat (Db). Each chord has a standard expectation of which ninths are matched to it, and in what function or use these ninths relate to. These are refered to as allowable ninths.

seventh chordallowable ninth[s]comments
C(maj7)natural-nine (9)#9 used for endings
C7flat-nine (b9), natural-nine (9), sharp-nine (#9)b9 and #9 go together and suggest a minor target
natural-nine suggests major
Cm7natural-nine (9)b9 is sometimes found on III-7
Cm7(b5)flat-nine (b9), natural-nine (9)typical use for natural-nine is VI-7(b5) in minor
C°7natural-nine (9)9 not always available depending on function
C7(sus4)flat-nine (b9), natural-nine (9), sharp-nine (#9)b9 and #9 go together and suggest a minor target
natural-nine suggests major
Cmaj7(#5)natural-nine (9)standard jazz comping-voicing does not include 9th
Cmaj7(b5)natural-nine (9)standard jazz comping-voicing does not include 9th
Cm(maj7)natural-nine (9)no comment
C7(#5)flat-nine (b9), natural-nine (9), sharp-nine (#9)b9 and #9 go together and suggest a minor target
natural-nine suggests major
C7(b5)flat-nine (b9), natural-nine (9), sharp-nine (#9)b9 and #9 go together and suggest a minor target
natural-nine suggests major

©2003, Frank Singer | Naked Kitty Productions | chelaBOP | Frank
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