theory from Frank Singer.comTriplets | print this page | close this window |

Triplets sub-divide rhythmic pulses or sub-pulses into three equal parts where the expectation is two equal parts.
One beat, normally sub-divided into four equal parts (sixteenth-notes), is sub-divided into six.

sixteenth-note triplets
sixteenth-note triplets, or six-over-four

One measure of 4/4 time has three parts per beat instead of the exected two eighth-notes.

eighth-note triplets
eighth-note triplets, or three-over-two eighth-note triplets, or three-over-two
"one-trip-let  two-trip-let  three-trip-let  four-trip-let"

Eighth-note triplets are the primary beat-pulse of shuffles and swing rhythms. The beat (one, two, three or four) and the let are accentuated to produce the feel.

Quarter-note triplets and half-note triplets span more than one beat-pulse. Sub-dividing them into smaller triplet units allows the triplet count to be used to accurately place these triplets within the measure.

quarter-note triplets
quarter-note triplets, or three-over-two

The count for half-note triplets covers includes the full measure of eighth-note triplets. Accented counts would be the one, the trip of two, and the let of three.

half-note triplets
half-note triplets, or three-over-two                half-note triplets, or three-over-two                half-note triplets, or three-over-two


©2003, Frank Singer | Naked Kitty Productions | chelaBOP | Frank
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