these facts enumerated below be known and stated herein for all pertinent
records. Section
1: Clause 1: The performances documented on this compact disc storage
device are the work of Frank W. Singer (heretofore known as Frank) and
Joseph M. Dorris (heretofore known as Joe). All guitar and keyboard
solos are the work of Frank, and all drum and percussion solos are the
work of Joe. Clause
2: All bass and keyboard synthesizer tracks were sequenced by Frank. All
drum/percussion tracks and sampled sounds were sequenced by Joe. A (now
retired) Macintosh 512KE (Enhanced!™) computer with Mark Of The
Unicorn Performer software was used to sequence the tracks. The sampler
used was a Prophet 2002, made in 1987. Clause
3: All compositions were written by Frank (BMI), except William's
Overture, by Frank, Joe, and William Dorris. All arrangements by Frank
and Joe. No coercion was employed on anyone involved with this project.
This is a zero animal testing production. Section 2: Clause 1: This recording was originally issued in cassette form (NKP 1989-T). CD remastering was executed by Tom Hitt of Cycling Troll Recording Studios (www.cyclingtroll.com). Final remastering by Frank Singer. All financing courtesy of the Frank & Joe Foundation (now defunct), Naked Kitty Productions and FrankSinger.com (franksinger.com), and Cat's A Bear (catsabear.com) Clause
2: Production and recording were overseen by Frank and Joe. Final mixing
was executed by Frank. All recording was done on a 4 track cassette
machine. Electronic drum kit tracks were played live with preset
sequences, and solos were laid down last, mixed directly to final master
cassettes. William Dorris Jr. allowed the use of his Fender Jazzmaster
guitar. Clause
3: Original liner notes by Mary C. Connerty (heretofore known as Mary)
are as follows: "Frank Singer - guitar and keyboards, Joe Dorris -
drums and percussion, Mac - all other funny sounds, All material
written, arranged, performed and paid for by Frank Singer and Joe
Dorris. CAT'S A BEAR combines computer-based sequencing with live
improvisation, both in recording and live performance., Thanks to:, U.S.
Treasury Dept., John McLaughlin, Arnold Schoenberg, Eric Dolphy, Eric
Sampson, The New York Stock Exchange, Saturday morning cartoons, Bill
Dorris (Sr. and Jr.), George "Tito" Graham, lonely wolves everywhere and the wives: Paula Jordan and Mary Connerty for their
infinite poise, grace, senses of humor and laser printer." Section
3: Clause 1: History and background. Eye Of The Pyramid, aka eye-o-mid,
launched the final attempt by the Frank & Joe Foundation (now
defunct) to combine avant garde electronic jazz with financial success.
The eye is from the one dollar bill. The Current Sea, aka currency,
continued the series in the hopes of generating some. Time signature of
25:16 Patent Pending. The Bearskin Rug, a luxury item, is also a kind of
dance known as a rug. Time signatures of 35:16 and 33:16 Patent Pending.
Theme For Eric And Eric, aka tfe&e, utilized 23rd chord melodic
extensions, in the hope that a hypnotic effect would be produced on
those who could extend credit to the Frank & Joe Foundation (now
defunct). Eric Sampson (No "A") was an ardent supporter of the
Frank & Joe Foundation, and continues this tradition today with
Naked Kitty Productions and the Cat's A Bear organization. Eric Dolphy
used 23rd chord extensions. Ceiling Street was the Foundation's answer
to Wall Street. The intended height was not reached, signaling the
downturn of the Foundation's capital advances. Double Felix marks the
return of the two cats, Frank & Joe, playing the music of Cat's A
Bear, rescinding claim to previously stated Foundation goals. Paperwork
was signed to the music of William's Overture, aka Bill's B.S., which is
a minor blues in B. Frank's Lament, aka Frank's B.S., closed the books
on the Eye Of The Pyramid scheme, and the Frank & Joe Foundation
(now defunct). Section 4: Clause 1: CAT'S A BEAR - EYE OF THE PYRAMID NKP 2001-x1989-T ©All rights reserved, 1989/2004 Naked Kitty Productions. Various multiple time signatures patent pending. No part of this recording may be reproduced, broadcast, copied, transcribed or erased without the expressed permission of the closest person you can find who has a right to give you that permission. Purchase of this CD implies acceptance of all terms and conditions set forth in this contract. No signature is required; however the option exists to voluntarily contact the Cat's A Bear organization at catsabear.com, or NAKED KITTY PRODUCTIONS at franksinger.com, or frank@franksinger.com. Clause 2: Other links include: jdhopkins.com, www.firstartrecords.com, www.standards-1.com, catsabear.bandcamp.com/, catsabear.bandcamp.com/album/eye-of-the-pyramid Apple iTunes Purchase, Amazon.com Purchase, www.romolochocolates.com for great chocolate, www.ravensound.com for great sound, www.cyclingtroll.com and www.midtownrecording.com for great recording, and oneworldtribe.com for great world/reggae/funk music. Clause 3: Cover artwork and design by chelaBOP. Dollar bill courtesy U.S. Treasury. "Authority. 18 UNITED STATES CODE, 504: Treasury Directive Number 15-56 FR 48539(September 15, 1993) 411.1 Color illustrations authorized. * (a) Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 25 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, authority is hereby given for the printing, publishing or importation, or the making or importation of the necessary plates or items for such printing or publication, of color illustrations of U.S. currency provided that: 1. The illustration must be of a size of less than three-fourths or more than one and one half, in linear dimension, of each part of any matter so illustrated; 2. The illustration must be one sided; and 3. All negatives, plates, digitized storage medium, graphic files, magnetic medium, optical storage devices, and any other thing used in the making of the illustration that contain an image of the illustration or any part thereof shall be destroyed and or deleted or erased after their final use in accordance with this section."
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