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HSA by Frank Singer ©1993 page 1 of
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This chart is recorded on Cat's A Bear's "Tito:
In Search of a Revolution".
here for a live version from 1993. [
You will need a free mp3 player like
winamp ]
Click here for a 2,892 kb mp3 of a live version from 1993. [ This will open
a new window for download ]
On the
"Revolution" cut, the right-hand part is played on the guitar, with
some of the bass notes added, usually on the kicks.
The bass plays the left-hand portion of the score where it is
The score is transposed for guitar and bass registers (sounding one
octave lower than concert pitch).
The chart is through-composed, with solo sections written into the form.
HSA is a medium funk tune.

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