AUTUMN LEAVES Tritonic Reharmonization 


Autumn Leaves follows an A A B C form. I use the key of G major/E minor for the melody of this reharm. The first A section uses the tritonic key grouping Bb, Gb and D, the second A section uses C, Ab and E, and the B and C sections use the keys of B, G and Eb. This reharm shifts the sections back by a measure, moving the pick-up measures over to the first bar of each section. Thus, the first melody note is actually on (or around) beat two of the A section instead of being three beats before the start of the A section.

I had to tweak the melody quite a bit in the two A sections. In bar one of the first A section (originally the pick-ups), the passage E, F#, G becomes E, G, A. In bar five (originally bar four), the passage C, D, E becomes C, E, F#. I modify the close of the first A section in bars seven and eight (six and seven of the original) to become G, A, G (bar seven) and F# (bar eight). The second A section begins with the same modification as the first. In bar three (originally bar two), the passage D, E, F# becomes D, F#, G. I close the section with the B, C#, D# walk-up into the E (measures seven and eight, six and seven of the original second A). The B and C sections required no modifications.

You can fine on a G after the II V at the end of the C section, or harmonize that last E note with a cadence. Here are my changes:

A   Bb   Db7alt5   |   Gb   A7b9   |   D   |   Ab-7   Db7   |   Gb   A7   |   D   F7   |   Bb   |   E-7   A7   ||
A   D-7   G7   |   C   Eb7   |   Ab   B7b9   |   E   G7   |   C   |   F#-7   B7   |   E   G7alt5   |   C   G#7b9   ||
B   C#-7   F#7   |   B   D7   |   G   Bb7alt5   |   Eb   |   A-7   D7   |   G   Bb7   |   Eb   F#7   |   B   D7   ||
C   G   Bb7b9   |   Eb   F#7b9      |   B   D7   |   G   C   |   B   D7   |   G   Bb7   |   Ebo7   Eb   |   A-7   D7   ||

During the solos, the altered chords and 7th chords with b9 (b13) are dropped, except in the last bar of the second A (G#7b9). The Ebo7 chord in bar seven of the C section can be dropped for solos also. Have fun!  [ top ]



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All The Things You Are
Autumn Leaves
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Green Dolphin Street
Have You Met Miss Jones
Night And Day
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