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a musical map of the form of Generations

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was developed from a single eight-measure phrase
which contains the themes for each of the first four movements.
The first violin plays its theme in the key of A major. This
theme is developed in the third movement of Generations, and appears at
the top of the four voices in the single eight-measure phrase. Below that, in
the key of B major, is the second violin, which plays the theme that opens the
first movement of Generations. The third voice in the single
eight-measure phrase is the electric guitar, which states its themes in the key
of Db major in movement four. The violin cello holds down the bass in the key of
Eb major, and develops its themes in movement two.
that begins this segment is actually the beginning of the fifth and final
movement. The themes are stated in the sequence of
ascending keys, starting with the first violin in A from mvt. III, then the
second violin in B from mvt. I, the electric guitar in Db from mvt. IV, and the
violin cello in Eb from mvt. II. They are then stated in the original single
eight-measure phrase, and the development continues from there.
Each of
the four themes has a counter-theme which is played once the movement theme has
been stated. In the musical mp3
example, the other two instruments play freely developed lines based on the
stylistic development of the movement. Each instrument pairing is unique and reciprocal, and no
instrument plays two counter-themes.
harmony, measured at each eighth note, that results from the intersection of the
four melodies, forms the chord progression which is used in the electric guitar
solo in movement four.
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hi fi
[64kbps] lo
fi / stream [16kbps] The
first movement of Generations begins with the theme in B major which
is played by the second violin.
first violin plays the counter-theme for the second violin. This movement
uses ideas and techniques from the early modal period of European
harmony. Since now is not really the time of the ancient Gregorian
Monks, modal use and rhythmic pulse is extended beyond the historical
style. The principal form of development in this movement is
development begins with a change into 3/4 time, portrayed in the guitar.
The second violin plays the melody while the first violin and cello play
an accent pattern in a 7 eighth-note cycle, each using pizzicato. The
first presentation is in F# Locrian, followed by E Aeolian.
to listen.
hi fi [64kbps] lo fi / stream [16kbps]
Returning to 4/4 time,
the melody is stated in unison / octave by the violins and cello, while
the guitar states the root and fifth of D# Phrygian. Following this, the
cello takes the melody, with the two violins playing a countermelody in
fourths. The guitar continues the pedal, but with a single D#. The pedal
tone is then passed to the cello and moved to C#, while the second
violin plays a melodic embellishment of the countermelody in Dorian.
to listen.
hi fi [64kbps] lo fi / stream [16kbps]
The guitar sounds a
return to the B tonal center, with the second violin playing a more
elaborate embellishment of the melody, first in Lydian, then in Ionian.
During the Lydian section, the first violin states the original melody
while the cello plays the countermelody in pizzicato. At the return to
Ionian, the first violin takes the countermelody while the cello
harmonizes a fourth below. Click
to listen.
hi fi [64kbps] lo fi / stream [16kbps]
original melody is restated in 7/8 time, sounded in the two violins,
while the cello plays pizzicato accents on the fourth eighth note of
each measure. An antiphonal section follows, with the guitar and cello
answering the melodic fragments played by the violins. The guitar and
cello remain paired for a melodic augmentation, with the cello playing
the melody and the guitar playing the countermelody. The second violin
embellishes the melody in a 12/8 rhythm, while the first violin plays a
simple harmony line above. Click
to listen.
hi fi [64kbps] lo fi / stream [16kbps]
A brief transitional
section returns to the original melodic statement with the
counter-theme, with the guitar and cello playing harmonizations below. A
plagel cadence brings the first movement to a close.
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hi fi
[64kbps] lo
fi / stream [16kbps]
second movement of Generations begins with the theme in Eb major
which is played by the violin cello.
electric guitar plays the counter-theme for the violin cello.
Click to listen.
hi fi
[64kbps] lo
fi / stream [16kbps]
third movement of Generations begins with the theme in A major
which is played by the first violin.
second violin plays the counter-theme for the first violin.
Click to listen.
hi fi
[64kbps] lo
fi / stream [16kbps]
fourth movement of Generations begins with the theme in Db major
which is played by the electric guitar.
violin cello plays the counter-theme for the
electric guitar.