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Entropy level indicator
Split Second Spikes with No Warning, says ENTS
You are having a
seemingly normal day. When you pick up your cup to drink, it
doesn't spill, and you place it back down on the table without
thinking. In the next moment, you do the same action, but this
time, you spill the drink all over yourself, and upon putting
the cup back down, you chip the edge AND the table.
Just one of those
things? Hardly, says ENTS spokesman Leif Branches. The Entropic
Network Tracking System has been receiving thousands of reports
per week of what ENTS calls "suspicious sightings" of entropic
These spikes were predicted, and will continue
throughout the summer and early fall.
"The persons
contacting us are not sure they have experienced an entropic spike
because they are so brief, and seem to come out of nowhere." This
contradicts the usual expectation of graduated increases and
decreases that have noticeable curves to them. "The intensity of
the spikes and their subsequent departure are what prompt many to
report what might otherwise be dismissed as 'coincidence'. Of
course, ENTS rejects the random coincidence, especially when it
comes to entropy."
Still, says Branches,
everybody has an off moment now and again. How to tell the
difference? ENTS suggests the following guidelines:
Note extreme
contrast between moments of flow and moments of entropic
activity. Spikes will be very dramatic.
Look for multiple
spikes seconds or minutes apart. This is not always the case,
but when it occurs it is almost always a turbulent entropic
event (TEE).
Check with others
in your vicinity. Entropic turbulence can be extremely
localized, to a room or a house, or to a small to large
community area, like a block or town.
The Entropic Network
Tracking System also recommends some ways to ride out entropic
If you think you
are experiencing entropic turbulence, STOP. Don't move, simply
hold anything and everything in place for a few moments. While
this is good advice in normal conditions, during a TEE it can
save you from property damage and injury.
Practice slow,
deliberate movements. During a TEE, this is the safest way for
movement. Tai Chi can assist this endeavor, and any form of
movement study gives advantage during a TEE.
deliberate breaths go hand in hand with deliberate movement. Any
study of abdominal breathing will help.
CDs from NKP. While no scientific studies
have been conclusive, anecdotal evidence suggests that relaxing
to an NKP CD has anti-entropic effects on the listener.
So the next time you
sense that drink start to spill, take a slow, deep breath,
carefully place the mug on a table, walk slowly over to your
CD player, and put in oFF
tHE tOP: standards 1,
Generations String Quartet,
of the Pyramid,
Tito In Wonderland, or
Tito: In Search of a
Revolution and relax. If nothing else, you'll feel better!
entropy is not an exact science. No guarantees are made
regarding entropy forecasts, and plans foiled from unexpected
entropy or compression levels is not the responsibility of
this column or website. Naked Kitty Productions is a sponsor of
the Entropy Report™, and as such forsakes all liability
regarding the calming and focusing effect of CDs
from NKP.
molecules fall apart |
do NOT operate machinery |
- hold down objects
after placing on tables |
relax and enjoy the ride |
keep setting clocks ahead |
remember to breathe |
universe starts over |
[ top ]
Spring, 2003
Early Summer, 2003
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On Thursday, March 25, 2004, Pennsylvania state police
and agents of the FBI and Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives raided the home and business of Darrell Sivik and
arrested him for one count of unlawfully receiving, possessing and/or
transferring an unregistered firearm; one count of conspiracy to
unlawfully receive, possess and/or transfer an unregistered firearm; and
one count of unlawfully manufacturing a firearm.
The firearm in question was a machine gun, allegedly
manufactured by Sivik himself.
Although Sivik was arrested for illegal gun manufacture,
he also operated a small radio station which he called "Braveheart, home
of the Pennsylvania American Patriot Radio Network". The station had a
five to fifteen mile radius of broadcast, and was devoted to a talk
format. The tone was clearly anti-government, and Sivik's fundamentalist
beliefs and Militia leanings were the focus of much of the discussion.
Militia groups around the country have expressed concern that Sivik was
targeted for the views he expressed on his radio station.
In addition to an anti-United Nations stance, Sivik has
been active on issues currently more mainstream, including attempting to
have "West Mead Township declare the USA Patriot Act unconstitutional
and void in the township."
Monday, March 29, Kennedy Thompson, Music Director and Founder of
One World Tribe, joined a small group of
protesters across from the Federal Courthouse in support of Darrell
Sivik. When I saw the photograph in the weekly news wrap on Sunday, I
contacted Kennedy and requested a brief interview via email.
This is the result of that
1) Why were you protesting?
I feel that he is being railroaded, because of his positions on gun
control, and (because) his radio program talks about the
government in a very unflattering way. So they wanted to kill the
2) What got you involved in this protest?
A friend of mine who follows his radio program wanted to know if I was
interested in showing support for Sivik, and I said 'of course', because
you know these feds have an agenda to lay the ground work for the
NOW and I felt it was necessary to let them know everybody isn't stupid.
3) What did you feel the injustice was?
The fact that they want to give him 25 years for something the
constitution says is one of his fundamental rights.
4) Why did you want to show support for Darrell Sivik?
Because injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. (A
paraphrase of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
5) Did you know about Darrell Sivik prior to his current arrest?
I had heard a few of his radio programs.
6) Do you agree with Darrell Sivik's positions on:
Federal Authority
Most of it. They are the
greatest criminals on earth.
United Nations
The United Nations has a
role to play in the world, but I think it could be used to undermine
national sovereignty.
I'm not sure of all his
beliefs, but he should not be criminalized because of them.
New World Order
Most definitely.
Registering weapons
Yes. I just go by what
the second amendment says. "The right to bear arms." If people don't
like what it says, then they should work to change the Constitution or
go live somewhere else.
7) Please list any other comments or positions regarding this protest:
Yes: wake up the sheeple, they're getting ready for the shears.
- chelaBOP March, 2004
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Entropy specialists and
predictors stated recently that an alarming trend towards higher levels
of entropy continues. Measurements from last year's entropy levels show
a definite trend towards an overall increase.
Noticeable signs include wars,
aggressive behavior, shootings, economic instability, accidents,
disasters, and an exponential increase in telemarketing. The Entropic
Institute warns that unless more is known about this phenomena, simple
counter-entropy agents cannot be prepared in time for future entropy
Although no government or
research agency now endorses these claims, street wisdom reports that CDs
from NKP seem to have a beneficial effect. Many are using this
treatment as a home remedy for entropy's symptoms.
- Filed by Ferd Wallnetto Snitzlevlot , field
reporter for the Entropy Report
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