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most notable, he couples a good, traditional sound with a high level of
technical facility that he displays via quick, arpeggiated
sections.....Solo guitar fans should find it to be a pleasant listening
-Vince Lewis, Just Jazz Guitar Magazine
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"What really astounds me are the incredible myriad of noises that
Frank can draw from his guitar, whether it be the traditional sound,
..more horn-like riffs, or even something that is comparable to a
piano....his contributions to the number of bands that he is in is due
to the high level of professionality that he exerts on 'Standards 1'...a
guitar in his hand is a living, breathing instrument."
-James McQuiston, Editor, NeuFutur and InterStitial Magazines.
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those who love the detailed sound of a Gibson jazz guitar adventurously
tackling some well-known tunes in a style that can serve as a backdrop to
a candlelit dinner and the serious and hushed late-night listening that
follows, you can't select any better that "Off The Top."
-Al Lubiejewski, JazzErie Newsletter
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guitar work is astonishing here easily putting him in the same class as
the great Jim Hall and the late great Joe Pass."
-Steve Trohoske, JazzErie Newsletter
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"IF YOU'RE GOING TO PLAY 71 minutes of unaccompanied guitar as Frank Singer does on his program of 12 standards, you'd better have a good sense of time..."
- John Chacona, Erie Times-News ©2003
John Chacona
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"The musical highlight was Frank Singer at Scully's. He played fast and
intricate, yet fluid jazz guitar with Tito. Kinda like Larry Coryell meets Wes
Montgomery. Couple hours later, we jazzwalked up to the Docksider to catch the
last set of One World Tribe. There Singer was again, playing keyboards. Same
passion, joy, and skill. ... It was the most amazing display of musicianship
I've experienced in Erie in a long time."
- Mike Plasha, Erie Times-News
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Singer is capable of just about anything musically. He plays piano like Keith
Jarret or Chick Corea on acid; fast, furious, and right on. What's really sick
is that he's probably as good a guitar player as he is a keyboard player. Any
song on this disk he had a hand in writing is a gem."
-Randy Baumann, One World Tribe Unity and Diversity Review
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Singer, TITO's principle composer and guitarist, composes with such high energy
and creativity that each arrangement reaches peaks and explores valleys quite
unlike the one before. Often, what begins as a Jam session becomes the band's
next tune once Singer's formidable composing abilities have a chance to work on
the jam's recorded sound."
-Jennifer, Bay City Nights Tito Review
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Singer, whose work has been compared to that of George Benson and Larry Coryell,
easily comes across as the consummate musician that he is..."
-John Biggie, Currently Erie Cat's A Bear Review
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style compares favorably to old George Benson for a sense of clarity and
tone, while his clever virtuosity reflects that of Full House-era Larry
-Nathan Griffith, Option Magazine Cat's A Bear 1986 Review
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